Want gains?
Our DPCC training rides are focussed on upping fitness levels, honing group riding skills and are a great step to getting into local racing.
These rides are held throughout the year on Tuesdays at 18:30 (apx 1.5 hour ride) and Saturday mornings at 8:00 (up to 3 hours). While the pace of the rides are adjusted to suit those who attend, it is not unusual for riders to be dropped.
Riders are advised to specify group level on completion of the sign up form, found here: https://forms.gle/vXhVKkFciNZBbo6d9 , as each group’s focus will vary slightly.
If you are joining us for the first time, please specify group 3 to build confidence riding in close formation at speed.
- Group 1 – Racer level training ride
- Group 2 – Experienced cyclist focusing on increasing pace
- Group 3+ – Focus on increasing pace and learning new group riding skills and techniques.
This form must be completed by 3pm on Tuesday for Tuesday’s ride or 20:00 Friday for Saturday’s ride. DTR has a Strava group where the week’s route will be advertised. Please follow the link here: https://www.strava.com/clubs/DPCC-Training-Rides .
If you want to get more from cycling, feel free to contact our club coach and Performance Director Henry at – performance.didcotphoenixcc@gmail.com